Wednesday, August 6, 2014

T + 50

I realize the blog entries have slowed down and hopefully that's a sign that life is trending back towards normal.  Today marks day 50 past the transplant and everything seems to be headed in a positive direction.  My visits to the clinic have been dropped from three to twice weekly and each one continues to show good results.  My restrictions on driving, restaurant food, and large crowds are still in place and I expect them to remain through six months due to the immune suppression drugs I'm taking to keep the transplant in check.  My fatigue level is improving such that I only need a nap 1-2 per week now verses every day.  I've been able to exercise more with bike rides and some basic stretch and strength exercises.

I've been talking to another guy at the clinic with the same diagnosis as me and approximately the same age.  He's at day 112 and was getting his central line removed.  That puts me around the start of October to get mine removed.  That will be a great step forward as it's still uncomfortable to sleep on the leads at night and I will be able to get back to the tennis court.  Other than that and dropping to one visit per week and having another biopsy (fun), there's technically no other big changes at 100 days which was a little disappointing to me.  It seems more that 180 days is the big mark as that is when they can remove many of the drugs (I'm still on 9-10 different meds) and really allow you some additional freedoms.

As for the non-medical life, we're going to back up and move back to Vero at the end of this week.  The kids start school soon and we're already missing soccer practices.  It will be good to get back to our house and see the ocean again.  Joanne is really looking forward to it as she can return to Crossfit and start seeing a few patients.  The girls are looking forward to not having to share a room any longer - the charm has apparently wore off.  And Tyler will have his refereeing job starting back up.

So full steam ahead for now!