Thursday, March 6, 2014

Weekend in sight

Tuesday, March 4th & Wednesday March 5th

Much better days for me mentally, as I feel like the march is on towards
Saturday.  The first two helpings of chemo went down ok, and we're still on schedule for finishing on Saturday and I should get released so long as my blood levels look good.  There is a chance some of those numbers are low and they'd have to hold me over an extra night until Sunday.  For some reason, that's not bothering me as much as it did returning to the hospital.  They did finally order the IV so I'm back on the stand 24/7 again.

With a better mood going and still in good health, I dove into a bunch of work to pass the time.  
Tuesday, my in-laws arrived from the snowy and cold north.  They stopped by in the late afternoon and took me down for some dinner in the hospital cafeteria.  It was great to see them face to face, but I realized I didn't take a picture after they left. Out of practice I guess. They headed on over to Vero to spend a few days there with Joanne and the kids.

On Wednesday, Joanne came up to spend the better part of the day with me.  I also got a surprise visit from Jen Shultis - an old adventure racing friend.  She was in town for work and stopped by. It was great catching up on life and reminiscing about adventure races of the past. Again, forgot to click a 'happy snap' as my dear friend Addy likes to call them.

Wednesday night they hung the third chemo bag as I was falling asleep. Tuesday's sleep didn't go so well so I was pretty tired, but I logged some good hours last night. The best part was, it was already going to be Thursday when I woke up and that seems very close to getting back out of here. We're already discussing discharge plans with the Doctors and setting up my office visits for next week which I just have to go for 30 minutes each day to take a blood sample and get a shot.  Way better than hanging around in the hospital.

Joanne and I watched Dallas Buyer's Club last night, pretty good flick. Even though it was an AIDS story, I could definitely identify with Ron Woodroof's singular will to beat the disease. Worth a rent if you're in the mood for some slower drama although female McConaughey fans might be disappointed as he sucked down to 143 lbs for the role, but the performance won him the Oscar.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there bri! You're doing a great job and now it's Friday that much closer to discharge. :)
